About CBD

 CBD is one of the many cannabinoids found in hemp proven to support health and homeostasis of the human body. The non-psychoactive cannabinoid has shown remarkable potential in its abilities that is now being studied by scientists.

In December 2017, the World Health Organization conducted its own research into CBD. The WHO stated it found NO ADVERSE HEALTH RISKS using CBD. “To date, there is no evidence of the recreation use of CBD or any public health related problems associated with the use of pure CBD” the WHO wrote in their study.

CBD has been proven safe for adults, children and animals.

Benefits of CBD:

  • Pain Relief

The cannabinoids in CBD work well for the treatment of chronic pain. Studies show CBD can be very effective for decreasing pain from neuropathy and nerve related pain. CBD has also been shown to reduce inflammation.

  • Anti-Seizure

CBD has been shown to work well in drug resistant epilepsy. In one study, 7 out of 8 patients with epilepsy that was resistant to drugs saw a definite improvement within 4 to 5 months of taking CBD.

  • Combat anxiety and depression

PTSD, Generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder can benefit from CBD. Current pharmacological treatments can lead to additional symptoms and side effects. No definitive evidence currently links CBD to adverse side effects.

  • Fight Cancer

CBD and other substances found in Hemp have been found to have an anti-tumor effect. CBD has been shown to stop cancer cells from growing and increased tumor cell death. CBD kills cancer cells by blocking their ability to produce energy. CBD can help increase the efficacy of conventional cancer treatments.

  • Reduce the risk of diabetes

Type 1 diabetes results from inflammation that occurs when the immune system attacks cells in the pancreas. In a study published in 2016 by Clinical Hemorheology and Micro circulation found that CBD may ease the inflammation in the pancreas.

  • Prevent Alzheimer's

Initial research suggests that CBD was able to prevent the development of social recognition deficit. CBD could help people in the early stages of Alzheimer's to keep the ability to recognize faces of people they know.

  • Neuroprotective

CBD can protect the nervous system and help with neurodegenerative diseases. It has been shown to help patients with ALS, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's disease by protecting the brain cells from toxicity.


CBD has been proven safe for children as well. CBD can be an extremely beneficial substance, whether used to treat a specific ailment or support an already healthy lifestyle. Studies have shown CBD can be beneficial for treating anxiety and sleep issues, both common problems for children. Studies have also shown CBD can be an extremely potent anticonvulsant and can help manage severe forms of childhood epilepsy (such as Dravet Syndrome). Some studies have shown CBD may help calm children suffering from hyperactivity or attention deficit disorders. It is not uncommon for some children dealing with these conditions to use multiple medications at a time, sometimes just to manage the side effects of another medication. CBD on the other hand serves as a natural alternative with no side effects.

A survey of children with treatment resistance epilepsy found that 84% of the children taking CBD had a reduction in the frequency of seizures.

CBD oil is legal and safe for animals as well. Most dogs with seizures are put on drugs such as phenobarbital and potassium bromide. While they may help control the seizures, they can be extremely harmful to the animals liver and other organs. If you have trouble getting your animal to eat, CBD may help. The National Cancer Institute reports CBD increases appetite. CBD has also been shown to control nausea and vomiting, even when they are the result of toxins and drugs. CBD has also been shown to reduce anxiety in animals. It has been shown that animals do not appear to build a tolerance to CBD.

Many small scales studies have looked into the safety of CBD in adults. They concluded that adults tend to tolerate a wide range of doses. Researchers have found no significant side effects on the central nervous system, the vital signs, or mood, even among people who used high doses. The most common side effect was tiredness.

How to use:

CBD based products come in many forms. Some can be mixed into foods or drinks, or taken from a dropper. Recommended dosage vary between individuals and depend on factors such as body weight, concentration of the product and the health issue.

Some people consider taking CBD to treat:

  • Chronic Pain
  • Epilepsy
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Huntington's Disease
  • Sleep Disorders
  • Glaucoma
  • Mental Disorders
  • Multiple Sclerosis

All 50 states have approved the used of hemp based CBD for human and animal products.